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ASB Summer Starter

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback on the ASB Summer Starter event.

We welcome all feedback both positive and negative as well as any suggestions you may have. There will be a space at the end of the survey where you can provide any further final comments you may wish to make.
1. Which of the following prompted you to enter this year’s ASB Summer Starter?
Please select all that apply
4. How satisfied were you with the event in each of the following areas? *This question is required.

For the aspects you were dissatisfied with – please tell us why you gave that rating:

Space Cell Very dissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfiedDon't know / Not applicable
Customer service experience (i.e. if you called or emailed for assistance)
Communication from event organisers
Bus shuttles
Transport to/from event
Finishers’ Party at Redcliffs Park
Running/walking course
Online entry/registration process
Event signage (information and way-finding)
On course entertainment