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Agenda 2030 Council Community Score Card

Welcome to the Citizens Scorecard

This 25 question Local Government Citizen’s questionnaire will provide community members served by councils the opportunity to assess and measure council’s progress towards achieving gender sensitive and responsive service delivery. The results will assist in strengthened policies and development projects that are implemented to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and SADC Gender Protocol Agenda 2030.

This is a 10-15 minute survey and the data remains anonymous. For each statement, please indicate your level of agreement form 0 to 5 where 0=Strongly Disagree and 5=Strongly Agree. Then click on "Submit" to get your scores and submit your entry. 

Take the test, get your score, come back in a few months’ time, and keep bench-marking your councils progress!
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
2. Sex
4. Country, Province, and Council *This question is required.
5. Age Group
6. Education level
7. Are you living with a disability
8. POLICY FRAMEWORK *This question is required.
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There is a gender policy and action plan that incorporates the Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol, SDGs and other relevant targets. It is well known and has a high profile champion within the council.
9. GOVERNANCE  *This question is required.
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There are equal numbers of women and men councillors in the Council.
There is inclusion of women, men, people living with disability (PWD), and youth in decision-making positions in Council, (Mayoral committee) Chairpersons of committees etc.
There is equal participation of women, men, people living with disability, and youth at public meetings and events.
10. WORK PLACE POLICY AND PRACTICE *This question is required.
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Women, men, people living with disability, and youth are employed in equal numbers across jobs, grades and in management positions and are equally remunerated for equal work. There is an affirmative action policy for ensuring 50% by 2030. (Recruitment of senior council employees is done by the Local Government Service Commission)
The work place is family and disability friendly; there is a sexual harassment policy that is enforced.
11. LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT *This question is required.
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The Council has a local economic development plan that targets women, people living with disability, and youth entrepreneurs as key beneficiaries and which includes the promotion of access to financial opportunities for local entrepreneurs.
Women, men, people living with disability, and youth benefit equally from jobs created by the council.
The Council keeps gender disaggregated data on procurement and has set a target for increasing the number and value of contracts allocated to women, people living with disabilities and youths.
The Council recognises and supports care work, for example those providing care for People Living with HIV and AIDS; the elderly; terminally ill; educare and child care and encourages men to share the burden of care.
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The Council is aware of climate change and its differential effects on women, men, people living with disability, and youth and are consulted equally on measures to be taken.
Women, people living with disabilities, and youth are equally consulted and involved in projects that contribute to positive climate change management such as waste management, sustainable energy and recycling and benefit from economic opportunities arising from this.
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The Council keeps sex, age and disability (and PWD) disaggregated data on land and property ownership and access and is promoting women, men, people living with disability, and youth to have equal access
Women, men, people living with disability, and youth are involved in the planning, management and maintenance of water and sanitation.
Social and recreational facilities are gender aware and responsive
14. SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, HIV AND AIDS   *This question is required.
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The Council has adopted and implemented policies, programmes, services to enhance gender and youth sensitive, appropriate and affordable quality health care, including sexual and reproductive health and rights.
The council has taken measures to reduce maternal mortality.
The Council has a gender aware HIV and AIDS policy that is implemented and monitored.
15. GBV *This question is required.
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There is sufficient lighting on streets and in public spaces; all streets are named clearly, and names are gender aware
The Council participates in campaigns to raise awareness on gender- based violence (GBV), such as the Sixteen Days of Activism.
There is a good working relationship between the police and community, especially. Women, people living with disability, and youth are equally represented in community policing forums.
The Council offers support and empowerment to survivors of gender violence, and works to change the behaviour of perpetrators of violence
16. COMMUNICATIONS AND VISIBILITY *This question is required.
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The Council gives high visibility to its gender policy and action plan, and its COE status and participates actively in the Community of Practise.
17. GENDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM  *This question is required.
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The Council has set up a gender structure, including a gender focal person that is empowered to do its work. Gender is written into the job descriptions of key functionaries.
There is an M and E system in place for gender; it is used for (tracing) tracking and reporting purposes