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You are invited to attend the Final Review of the USAF-Taiwan Nanoscience Program on August 10&11, 2017 in Arlington, VA, USA. Please complete and submit this registration form by June 9, 2017. It is very important to meet this deadline due to security and travel support requirements. A detailed agenda, with lodging suggestions, and miscellaneous information will be released shortly. We are looking forward to another stimulating meeting for all program participants.
Dr. Jeremy Knopp Program Officer, USAF Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD) TEL: (+)81-42-511-2000 e-mail: jeremy.knopp@us.af.mil e-mail: knopp.aoard@us.af.mil
Mr. Randy Chang Program Specialist, Innovation and Application of Nanoscience Thematic Program (IANTP), MOST, Taiwan TEL: +886-2-27898975 e-mail: mcchang76@gate.sinica.edu.tw