I'm undertaking this survey as research for a chapter in a forthcoming book on museums on the web and social media. I may also want to blog the results or publish them in other discussions, use them as a basis for further research, or share the raw results with other researchers in anonymised form. There are five questions, and you can stop at any time. You can share as much or as little as you'd like.
By submitting a response to this survey, you accept these terms.
Your response will help me understand and communicate the challenges faced by other museum technologists. I'm particularly interested in opportunities and problems that arise when (new) technologies meet (old) museums.
If you have any questions, or want to find out more when I've analysed the results, you can contact me at http://miaridge.com/.
If you're just curious about the questions I've asked, I've blogged them at http://bit.ly/c2CXnC.
1. As a museum technologist, what are the three most frustrating things about your job? *This question is required.For this survey, I'm defining 'museum technologist' as someone who has expertise and/or significant experience in the museum sector and with the application or development of new technologies.