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Law Enforcement Prescription Drug Disposal Pilot Project Survey

Welcome - Law Enforcement Prescription Drug Disposal Pilot Program Survey

The Vermont Department of Health Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs (VDH) in conjunction with the Lamoille County Sheriff Department (LCSD) will be implementing a Law Enforcement Prescription Drug Disposal Pilot Project.

The goal of this pilot will be to encourage collection of unwanted, expired medications from our local communities across the state to ensure proper disposal and minimize unauthorized use of medications.
The Lamoille County Sheriff Department will break the state into collection quadrants and pick up disposed medications at pre-arranged times each month or as determined by the department.
By participating in the pilot program you would work with VDH and LCSD to limit the space utilized by disposed prescription drugs, cut down on 
cost of disposal, and limit staff time designated for ultimate disposal of medication.

Please fill out the short survey below to indicate your interest in the pilot program or to receive more information.
Please provide your contact information below:
This question requires a valid email address.
Does your department currently offer any drug disposal options for your community? *This question is required.
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