That's great! We're glad your customers don't have any concerns!
Community members often would like to know more about the chemicals used to treat water. This is an opportunity to work with them to share information. Jump to resources for understanding chemicals in treated water.
Maybe you've already educated your community about the risks of untreated water. You are already one step ahead.
Your customers may already trust and use the treated water - Good on you!
A community that trusts its water system will be more likely to use safe treated water, which has important benefits to health. Jump to resources to promoting trust in treated water.
Community finances do well when customers pay regularly. The rates for your community must be doing great.
It can be difficult to identify exactly why customers aren't paying their bills, take the time to investigate the cause either through general conversations, or a more comprehensive and structured community assessment. Jump to resources for improving water and wastewater bill payment.
We're glad to know that customers in your community have affordable water and sewer!
Amazing! The roles and responsibilities for your employees must be as crystal clear as your water!
Like the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
There are multiple approaches to managing community water systems, the model that best serves your Tribe will be determined by a variety of factors. Jump to resources for water system management models.
There are some things in life that don't need to change. Two day weekends, your grandmother's fry bread recipe, utility ordinances and resolutions.
Perhaps you have already developed a long-term plan for water sustainability.
We're glad to know that community members feel comfortable talking with you about anything! Including difficult water issues.
Many issues regarding your water system can become serious when there is difficulty talking about them with other stakeholders, and therefore they continue to cause problems. Jump to resources for engaging others on the topic of water.
Knowledge is power and you are all knowing!
Recognizing and celebrating traditions can be incorporated into nearly every part of daily life. Including water. We are happy to know your community already knows the culture and traditions of your people.
From ceremony to subsistence to recreation, water is part of our tradition. Celebrating our water culture can help bring our community together. Jump to resources for water is life.
Happy employees mean happy customers. We're pleased they're pleased.
Water treatment plant operators and staff have a tremendous responsibility to provide safe and accessible water to their communities. Take the time to acknowledge their hard work, it will help the staff value and respect their responsibilities. Jump to resources for recognizing water utility staff.
Incredible! Your system must run like a well-oiled machine!
Chances are that you are already creating consumer confidence reports? Nice!
The more that customers know about the treated water, the easier it will be for them to trust it and feel confident drinking it. A CCR is a Commonly Required Report that can detail its information. Jump to resources to improve customer confidence reports.
Water plant operators and utility staff are vital for the performance and well-being of a community's water and waste water utilities. We hope that there are positive working relationships with the community and their operators and utility staff!
It sounds like you already have a useful Emergency Response Plan in place, way to be prepared!