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Geelong Road Safety Survey 2017

Which of the following best describes your connection with Greater Geelong? *This question is required.
Please indicate your age group: *This question is required.
How often do you use the following forms of transport? (Please select one response per row)
  *This question is required.
Space Cell DailyA couple of times a weekAt least once a weekAt least once a fortnightAt least once a monthEvery couple of monthsA couple of times a yearNever
Car as driver
Car as passenger
Bus as passenger
Train as passenger
Motorcycle as driver
Motorcycle as a passenger
Motorised Mobility Scooter
Truck as driver
Truck as passenger
What do you think are the three main factors that most often lead to serious road accidents? 
  *This question is required.
The Safe System approach to road safety has four key components:
  • Safer People – our behaviour on the road
  • Safer Speeds – the speeds we drive at
  • Safer Roads – the roads we drive on
  • Safer Vehicles – the vehicle we drive in
In the next 5 years, initiatives in which of these components do you think will have the greatest influence on reducing fatal and serious crashes in Geelong? (Tick all that apply): *This question is required.
Would you like provide comments on the Draft Road Safety Strategy when it is available?
  *This question is required.