Thank you for your interest in the 2017 Teacher in Residence program at the Museum of Science. This program runs Monday, July 10, through Thursday, August 10, 2017. Our typical program week is Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm; however, flex schedules are available. During the school year, you are also expected to work an additional 24 hours to research and develop a product determined by you and your Museum partner. All participants must also attend a call-back meeting scheduled for early December.
Computer Science Education Initiative
The Museum of Science is in the process of creating and nationally disseminating curricula and accompanying teacher resources focused on computer science and computational thinking for use in PreK – 3rd grade classrooms. By broadening participation in computer science and computational thinking, our goal is to build student and teacher confidence and capacity in these content areas, and to enhance student achievement and engagement across all disciplines.
These hands-on, project-based curricula include printed materials (copies of which will be made available online), with parts also being adapted for digital platforms. Each unit includes the following elements:
- An anchoring narrative
- Hands-on, collaborative engineering and creative design projects
- Embedded opportunities for students to share and reflect on their work
Initial units will be piloted in classrooms at the end of the 2016 – 2017 school year, and then revised during the summer of 2017. We are seeking a Teacher-in-Residence to help us revise and create new strategies for integrating support for early readers and ELL students, and to help us implement embedded professional development supports within curriculum materials.
Librarians, media specialists, early elementary and preschool teachers, and STEM specialists are encouraged to apply.
Waves and Their Application in Technologies for Information Transfer Teacher Institute
Stemming from the 2016 MA STE Curriculum Framework, this new category of physical science standards requires opportunities for educators to both learn new content and develop lessons/units of study for their students. We are seeking an upper elementary school / middle school teacher (preferably 4th or 6th grade), or a curriculum specialist who has made progress on addressing these needs. This person will assist us in designing and delivering a three-day professional development institute for teachers that explores waves and their applications. Dates for the institute will be co-selected for the upcoming school year. The institute will use museum-based learning experiences in exhibits and programs, as well as curriculum, online resources, and case studies from local school districts in support of teacher learning and action planning.
Sanofi Genzyme Teacher Sabbatical Twenty Year Celebration Project
During a spring celebration of the Sanofi Genzyme Teacher Sabbatical, we plan to collect stories from participants via video snapshots and in written statements. We are seeking a former teacher sabbatical participant to curate the collection of stories and select a subset to compile into a virtual celebration product. This multimedia collection will be used by both the Sanofi Genzyme and the Museum of Science to highlight many of the exciting outcomes of this unique professional development program.
Sanofi Genzyme Teacher Sabbatical Lesson Refresh
The new vision and standards for science and technology/engineering education requires a careful look at the learning experiences used within the Sanofi Genzyme Teacher Sabbatical. As our program continues to evolve, we need to examine which learning experiences should stay in our portfolio, which ones need to be revised, and what new activities and approaches could strengthen the program. We are seeking a former sabbatical participant to work with us on reviewing and revising sabbatical learning experiences in anticipation of the 2017 – 2018 school year.
Connecting Traveling Programs to STE Curriculum Standards
The Traveling Programs team is revising their catalog of school-based offerings. They are forging stronger connections to the 2016 MA STE Curriculum Framework and the Next Generation Science Standards. The programs are being redesigned to more effectively reinforce classroom instruction in terms of both highlighting science content and enabling students to grow their skill sets. The team would like classroom educators to assist them in revising a subset of their programs. Participants will use a template that underscores what is currently successful with the program offerings, and also what needs to be augmented to reflect more of the new science and engineering standards. While this summer the participants will only redesign four of their offerings, the Traveling Programs team will use this template to address the rest of their program catalog at a later date. We are seeking a teacher for grades K – 2 and a teacher familiar with grades 3 – 5 to assist us with this project.
Computer Science Education Initiative
The Museum of Science is in the process of creating and nationally disseminating curricula and accompanying teacher resources focused on computer science and computational thinking for use in PreK – 3rd grade classrooms. By broadening participation in computer science and computational thinking, our goal is to build student and teacher confidence and capacity in these content areas, and to enhance student achievement and engagement across all disciplines.
These hands-on, project-based curricula include printed materials (copies of which will be made available online), with parts also being adapted for digital platforms. Each unit includes the following elements:
- An anchoring narrative
- Hands-on, collaborative engineering and creative design projects
- Embedded opportunities for students to share and reflect on their work
Initial units will be piloted in classrooms at the end of the 2016 – 2017 school year, and then revised during the summer of 2017. We are seeking a Teacher-in-Residence to help us revise and create new strategies for integrating support for early readers and ELL students, and to help us implement embedded professional development supports within curriculum materials. Librarians, media specialists, early elementary and preschool teachers, and STEM specialists are encouraged to apply.
Waves and Their Application in Technologies for Information Transfer Teacher Institute
Stemming from the 2016 MA STE Curriculum Framework, this new category of physical science standards requires opportunities for educators to both learn new content and develop lessons/units of study for their students. We are seeking an upper elementary school / middle school teacher (preferably 4th or 6th grade), or a curriculum specialist who has made progress on addressing these needs. This person will assist us in designing and delivering a three-day professional development institute for teachers that explores waves and their applications. Dates for the institute will be co-selected for the upcoming school year. The institute will use museum-based learning experiences in exhibits and programs, as well as curriculum, online resources, and case studies from local school districts in support of teacher learning and action planning.
Sanofi Genzyme Teacher Sabbatical Twenty Year Celebration Project
During a spring celebration of the Sanofi Genzyme Teacher Sabbatical, we plan to collect stories from participants via video snapshots and in written statements. We are seeking a former teacher sabbatical participant to curate the collection of stories and select a subset to compile into a virtual celebration product. This multimedia collection will be used by both the Sanofi Genzyme and the Museum of Science to highlight many of the exciting outcomes of this unique professional development program.
Sanofi Genzyme Teacher Sabbatical Lesson Refresh
The new vision and standards for science and technology/engineering education requires a careful look at the learning experiences used within the Sanofi Genzyme Teacher Sabbatical. As our program continues to evolve, we need to examine which learning experiences should stay in our portfolio, which ones need to be revised, and what new activities and approaches could strengthen the program. We are seeking a former sabbatical participant to work with us on reviewing and revising sabbatical learning experiences in anticipation of the 2017 – 2018 school year.
Connecting Traveling Programs to STE Curriculum Standards
The Traveling Programs team is revising their catalog of school-based offerings. They are forging stronger connections to the 2016 MA STE Curriculum Framework and the Next Generation Science Standards. The programs are being redesigned to more effectively reinforce classroom instruction in terms of both highlighting science content and enabling students to grow their skill sets. The team would like classroom educators to assist them in revising a subset of their programs. Participants will use a template that underscores what is currently successful with the program offerings, and also what needs to be augmented to reflect more of the new science and engineering standards. While this summer the participants will only redesign four of their offerings, the Traveling Programs team will use this template to address the rest of their program catalog at a later date. We are seeking a teacher for grades K – 2 and a teacher familiar with grades 3 – 5 to assist us with this project.