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Learning Technologies in Complementary Medicine Education: Student Survey

Information Sheet and Consent

An examination of the readiness and capacity of Complementary Medicine Colleges to deliver quality educational outcomes in the training of health professionals using learning technologies and e-learning: A mixed method study in Australia and the US

Information about this research

Who Is Doing The Research?
My name is Alastair Gray and I am a researcher engaged in a PhD at the University of Technology Sydney

What Is This Research About?
Complementary Medicine (CM) continues to thrive across many countries. Alongside, and closely related to the continuing popularity of CM have been rising enrolments at CM education institutions. The professionalization of the CM education sector appears to be evolving with continuing professional education, education standards, levels of foundational medical science and higher levels of qualifications emerging and/or developing of late. More broadly beyond CM-specific education, tertiary students are increasingly engaging with technology in both their personal and study lives and technology-based learning and teaching in higher education is becoming almost a taken for-granted proposition in many undergraduate courses. However, despite the growth in CM education and the many current challenges and changes facing higher education more generally, there has been little research examining CM education. In direct response to this gap in our understanding, this research examines a number of key issues across the CM education field. The study will be completed in 2019.

Why have I been chosen?
You have been approached as you are a crucial stakeholder in the research. As a student, an academic or a key administrator, you are a part of one of the largest colleges of CM in the world and are therefore at the cutting edge of changes in education and learning technologies in the CM space.

If I Say Yes, What Will It Involve?
We will ask you to complete an online questionnaire that may take up to 10 minutes to complete. Your completion of this survey will be taken as your consent to participate.

Are There Any Risks/Inconvenience?
Yes, there is some inconvenience. This survey will take up to 10 minutes to complete.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?
The predominant benefit in taking part in the research is to broaden our understanding and fill an important gap in knowledge of the uptake, usage, readiness and trends in education in CM Colleges.

Will my taking part in this project be kept confidential?
All information collected about participants will be kept strictly confidential. All data will be identified only by a code, with personal details kept in a locked file or secure computer with access only by the immediate research team. As principle investigator my permission will be needed to allow restricted access to information collected about participants in the course of the project.

Do I Have To Say Yes?
You do not have to say yes. Your participation is completely voluntary.

What Will Happen If I Say No?
Nothing. We will thank you for your time so far and will not contact you about this research again.

If I Say Yes, Can I Change My Mind Later?
You can change your mind at any time and you do not have to say why. We will thank you for your time so far and won’t contact you about this research again.

What If I Have Concerns Or A Complaint?
If you have concerns about the research that you think I or my colleagues can help you with, please feel free to contact me on

Ethical review of the study
This project has received ethical approval from University of Technology Research Ethics Committee UTS HREC ETH16-0477 as well as National University of Natural Medicine IRB AG5052017

Contact for further information
Alastair Gray
USA +13474493881
Australia  +61414691279