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A Survey About Using

Help us improve your experience using  This survey will take approximately 3 minutes to complete. 
1. Why did you come to the Foreign Affairs website today?  *This question is required.
2. Why do you normally read an article?  *This question is required.
3. On average, how often do you come to the site?  *This question is required.
4. How easy was it to find what you were looking for?  *This question is required.
Very easy
About average
Very Difficult
6. Are you a subscriber?  *This question is required.
7. If you're a subscriber, which type of subscription do you have? 
7. Did you sign in to the website today?  *This question is required.
8. If you did sign in, how easy did you find that process?  *This question is required.
Very easy
About average
Very difficult
8. How likely are you to recommend subscribing to Foreign Affairs to your friends or colleagues? Please rate on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is least likely and 10 is most likely. *This question is required.
9. How likely are you to share a Foreign Affairs' article with your friends or colleagues? Please rate on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is the least likely and 10 is the most likely.  *This question is required.