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Rothwell Neighbourhood Forum Survey

Rothwell Neighbourhood Forum Survey

Rothwell Neighbourhood Forum - Have Your Say                                                             

The Rothwell Neighbourhood Forum is trying to collect the views of the local community to find out what they think of services in Rothwell and what they would like to see in the future.

Under the Localism Act, the Government and Local Authorities have said they wish to encourage local people to have a greater say and involvement in the future development of the area in which they live or work via Neighbourhood Forums.

Forums are required to put together a Neighbourhood Plan for their area and to do this Rothwell Neighbourhood Forum need to know what people in Rothwell think .. It is very important for us to hear your views so that we know what things to include in the Plan.

From your answers we should be able to put together some objectives and then try to identify some practical suggestions as to how the town should develop and  what things are important to its inhabitants and why!!

This Plan has eventually to be voted on by the people of Rothwell in a referendum. If it is approved, it is something that becomes a formal document with legal status and developers/organisations have to take it into consideration!

Please answer a short set of questions below and if you have any strong views about what is wrong with Rothwell, or what is good, please put further comments on the form in the box provided at the end.
1. Do you feel that school provision is adequate? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
2. Do you feel that leisure and sport provision is satisfactory *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
3. Do you feel that Rothwell has satisfactory healthcare & caring services? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
4. Do you feel that Rothwell Rothwell has enough shops *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
5. Do you feel that provision of social activities for all age groups should be increased? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
6. Do you feel that Levels of policing are satisfactory? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
7. Do you feel that there are enough local play areas and facilities for children? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
8. Do you feel that public transport provision is satisfactory? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
9. Do you feel that levels of public car park provision are satisfactory? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Do you feel that bicycle routes need increasing/improving? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
11. Do you feel that there are enough local employment opportunities? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
12. Do you feel that more houses should be built in Rothwell? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
13. Do you feel that more social and affordable housing should be built? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
14. Do you feel that future housing developments should include houses that are a mix of styles and size? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
15. Do you feel that more commercial development should be encouraged? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
16. Do you feel that greater protection of local heritage and history is necessary/important? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
17. Do you feel that green belt and open spaces should be preserved? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
18. Do you feel that Greater protection of landscape and natural areas is necessary e.g. trees? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
19. Do you feel that public rights of way & bridleways should be protected? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
20. Do you feel that more emphasis should be given to renewable energy generation? *This question is required.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
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