This is the annual score card for the
Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government. It is filled in during verification by the Gender Focal Points and Committees of all the COE’s. The evidence is presented and verified by independent judges at
SADC Gender Protocol@Work Summits. The judges take account of the self-scoring, and of the Community Gender Score Card that mirrors this score card and is administered to women and men in communities. The judges’ score is final and determines the Council’s score for the year. Council’s receive colour coded certificates based on their performance:

In 2019, GL and partners in the COE movement embarked on the “hub and spoke” model (known as the dura/isiphala model in Zimbabwe). This twins best- performing COE councils with neighbouring mentee councils. If you are “hub” or “spoke” council please indicate this under administrative information.
Close to 100 of the 432 councils in ten SADC countries are engaged in the Sunrise Campaign: Empower Women, End Violence. If you are hosting this programme, please indicate this under administrative information. You will be asked some additional questions on this programme in the relevant section.
In 2019, based on feedback received from councils, the score card has been amended as follows:
- Recognising that competencies differ by country, not all sections are compulsory. The automated scoring is such that councils are only scored for their areas of competence.
- There is one summative budget question at the end, rather than for each section.
- Following the additional training on SRHR as part of the “Voice and Choice Campaign” there are fewer statistical and more campaign questions on this important area of work.