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Mozilla Brand Identity Survey

Over the past three months, we've been exploring different options to evolve our Mozilla brand identity - the way we look and sound in the world.  We want our identity to better represent who we are and what we stand for.

We have 4 different brand identity options. Each option has a narrative that explains the idea behind the design, a logo and wordmark, and a collection of images that show what it could look like in different environments.  When you’re responding to the questions below, think about the collection of images together. We’ll call this a “brand identity system” in the questions.

This is a short survey so please take your time. It should take about 10 minutes to complete. Your answers will completely anonymous.



Please mark how well this brand identity system delivers on each of the following attributes.  
Space Cell Strongly disagreeSomewhat disagreeNeutralSomewhat agreeStrongly Agree
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