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Roll20 AD&D 2E Player Survey

Player & Game Mechanics

I'm thinking about DM'ing a campaign, and to gauge the interest (and the amount of work I might have to take on) I thought it would be good to ask the players what they actually want. In order to gain a better idea of what the Roll20 players expect out of an old-school AD&D 2E campaign, I'm asking 18 fairly basic questions. (There's three pages.)  Everything here is anonymous, feel free to be completely honest; I'm not tracking IP addresses or Roll20 logins.

This survey is not sponsored by Roll20 or The Orr Group, LLC in any way, shape or form.
1. Zero-Level Characters:
Although most characters start at 1st level, they do not have to appear from nowhere. Using aptitude points and luck, characters learn from instructors to discover their eventual class. Their backstory unfolds in front of them before beginning life as a 1st level adventurer. Would you be interested in a campaign where your character begins even earlier than 1st level?
2. Starting Character Level:
What level do you prefer to start a campaign at? Some prefer to begin at level 1 and watch as their characters grow from fragile waifs into mighty adventurers. Some prefer to start at mid-level with some increased abilities and possessions, with characters who don't die so easily. Yet others prefer to dispense with the preliminaries and begin with high-powered high-level characters who fight cosmic battles against otherworldly threats.
Using the slider below, specify a target level where you prefer to start your characters (From 0 to 20):
3. Hack & Slash vs. Roleplaying
These are not mutually exclusive! If you prefer an equal balance of roleplaying and combat dice-rolling, put the slider in the middle. (At 5)
Move the slider towards the left ( <-- ) to indicate your preference for more hack & slash. (Towards 0)
Move the slider towards the right ( --> ) to indicate your preference for roleplaying. (Towards 10)
4. Type of Combat:
On a scale of 1-5, tell me how important the type of combat is to you. Rank the following 5 choices from your favorite to least favorite:
1 = Least important (I dislike this type of combat)
5 = Most Important (I love this type of combat, favorite)
Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
5. Type of Roleplaying:
On a scale of 1-5, tell me how important the type of roleplaying is to you. Rank the following 5 choices from your favorite to least favorite:
1 = Least important (I dislike or am uncomfortable with this type of roleplaying)
5 = Most Important (I love this type and style of roleplaying, favorite)
Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
6. When roleplaying, how much do you enjoy puzzles & riddles?
Select one:
7. How useful are Non-Weapon Proficiencies (NWP's)?
Select the single statement below that you agree with most:
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