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Dear Colleagues,
The Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology is pleased to announce a new consensus project being sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, “Reducing the Threat of Improvised Explosive Device Attacks by Restricting Access to Chemical Explosive Precursors.” We are currently seeking nominations for members of the study committee. Nominations are requested no later than Friday, August 22, 2016. (Please feel free to forward to interested parties and our apologies for any duplicates you may receive, as we are sending this to multiple lists).
Having the appropriate membership is central to the success of every activity at the Academies and we appreciate your help in this committee nominations process. Nominations may also be used to identify speakers and panelists for the workshop, and reviewers for the following report.
Charge to the Committee
Under the oversight of the Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology, an ad hoc committee will identify and prioritize a list chemicals that have been used either in the U.S. or internationally or are susceptible for use in IEDs, analyze how the chemical moves through commercial supply chains, assess existing control measures for the priority chemicals, and suggest technical and nontechnical controls that might be effective for a voluntary or regulatory strategy. The committee is expected to meet 5 times in the calendar years 2016-2017.
Expertise Needed
A committee of approximately 14 experts from chemical and engineering disciplines will be appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, drawing members from the academic, industrial, and national lab sectors. Expertise on the committee will include the following areas: chemistry, energetic materials, commercial supply chain operations, industry operations, security, law enforcement, and regulatory controls.
To make a nomination, please send us the person’s name, affiliation, contact information, area of expertise, and a brief statement describing why the person is relevant to the study topic. Direct your ideas to IED@nas.edu. Please submit your nominations NO LATER THAN Friday, August 22, 2016.