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The Barriers to the Implementation of Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine in General Practice

This study aims to identify the barriers to the use of evidence based medicine in general practice, with the hope that they can be partly overcome through a better understanding of what primary care practitioners perceive to be the greatest problems in applying evidence in practice. The results of this study will be summarised in a research project.

This study has received ethical approval (RVC number 2016/U62)

The data collected in this questionnaire will be anonymized. The participant is free to withdraw from the questionnaire at any time without prejudice. No personal identifying information will be recorded in this questionnaire. All answers collected will be held securely and confidentially in a database.

Elizabeth Galligan (Final year veterinary student)
Supervised by Adrian Boswood (
1. Do you currently work in first opinion practice in the UK?
2. Are you a qualified veterinary surgeon?
4. Do you hold any post-graduate clinical qualifications? If yes, what is the highest level of post-graduate clinical qualification you hold?
6. Did you receive teaching about evidence based medicine at university?
7. What source(s) do you use to help you to practice evidence based medicine? (Select as many as apply)
The following questions represent statements. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement made.
9. Evidence based medicine is relevant and useful in day-to-day practice
10. I use evidence based medicine when making clinical decisions in day-to-day practice
11. Evidence based medicine improves patient care
12. Evidence based medicine improves treatment outcomes
13. Evidence based medicine is difficult to explain to owners
14. Evidence based medicine makes discussing treatment options with clients more challenging
15. I need more training about evidence based medicine to develop the necessary skills to implement it
Please state the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about barriers to the implementation of evidence based medicine in general practice
16. I am unsure what evidence based medicine is
17. There is a lack of adequate education and/or training about evidence based medicine
18. There is not enough time to spend researching evidence based medicine
19. I feel more confident using other treatment options so I am reluctant to change my current practices, even if the evidence suggests I should change
20. The senior vet in my practice is reluctant to adopt evidence based medicine
21. Sometimes the treatment for which there is the best evidence is not stocked/provided in my practice
22. Using appropriate evidence based medicine leads to an increased cost for the owner
23. Poor owner compliance with treatment instructions often results in a failure to apply evidence based medicine
Thank You very much for participating in this survey - your responses will help us to understand what barriers exist to the implementation of evidence based veterinary medicine and hopefully lead to more effective strategies to overcome these barriers.
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