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2016 Early Years Parent Survey

The Revelstoke Early Childhood Development Committee is working to update our community's plan to support families and the healthy development of our youngest children. It is important that we hear from families and caregivers of children under 6 so that the plan can reflect your ideas, concerns and experiences. 

Thank you for helping us understand more about raising children in Revelstoke. Please respond by
July 15, 2016 for your chance to win a $100 gift certificate to Legends 'n' Heroes.

1. I am a *This question is required.
2. What is the total number of children in your household?
3. What ages are your children?  (check all that apply)
4. What has HELPED you to attend programs for young children? (Check all that apply)
5. What has STOPPED you from attending programs for young children?
7. Where do you find out about programs/events for young children and families?
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