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CON.TXT 2016 Hot Fandoms Poll

Thank you for taking the What Are You Fannish About Right Now? Poll! We'll use the information you give us to plan panel room size and decor for CON.TXT 2016.

It's okay to leave a question blank!

What are your current fandoms (or fandom)? We'd like an overall picture of what you're interested in.

Please use the dropdown menus to select between 0 and 5 fandoms.

The dropdown menus contain a list of the most popular fandoms at past cons, along with some new ones. Don't worry if your fandoms aren't on this list! You can write in your primary fandoms on the next question. If you want to enter fewer than 5 fandoms, please use the * (Blank) option.

Please note: No need to rank your fandoms! The dropdowns were just the easiest way to set up the poll. We won't infer any favoritism from the placement of your fandoms. :D

Space Cell Fandom
One of my fandoms:
Another fandom:
Yet another fandom:
Still another fandom:
One last fandom:
For easier navigation, here are the fandoms in the dropdown menu:

* (Blank)

Actor RPF

Avengers (any media type)

Doctor Who (any season or media type)

due South


Harry Potter (any media type)

Hockey RPF

Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit (any media type)

Marvel TV series (Agents of Shield, Agent Carter, Daredevil, Jessica Jones)

One Direction

Person of Interest

Sherlock Holmes (any media type)

Star Trek (any)


Star Wars (any media type)

Teen Wolf

X-Men (any media type)
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