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Shutterbug Reader Survey

1. Gender
This question requires a valid email address.
3. What is your age?
4. What is your current marital status?
5. What is your highest level of education?
6. What is your current employment status?
7. What is your household income?
8. What is your ethnicity?
9. What do you consider your level of photography? 
10. What percent of your income is generated by your photography?
11. How many years have you been active in photography?
12. What is your primary photography focus?
13. How many hours per week do you spend on photography?
14. How many images do you shoot a month?
15. What do you shoot?
16. Do you shoot film?
17. What percent of your photography is film?
18. How long have you subscribed to Shutterbug?
19. How many hours do you spend reading an issue of Shutterbug?
20. How many people read your issue of Shutterbug?
21. What do you get most from Shutterbug? 
22. What would you like to see less of in Shutterbug?
23. What actions have you taken reading Shutterbug advertising?
24. What other photography magazines do you subscribe or read frequently?
25. What type of camera do you currently own?
26. What type of camera do you plan to buy in the next 12 months?
27. If you own a DSLR, which brand is it?
28. If you own a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera, which brand is it?
29. If you own an advanced compact camera, which brand is it?
30. If you own a medium format camera, which brand is it?
31. What optional features do you use on your camera?
32. What lens brand do you own?
33. What lens brand do you plan to purchase in the next 12 months?
34. Which of the following do you currently own? 
35. Which of the following do plan to buy in the next 12 months?
36. How much do you plan to spend on camera equipment in the next 12 months?
37. What will be your key purchases in the next 12 months?
38. Do you buy used camera equipment online?
39. Do you buy used camera equipment through a dealer?
40. Do you sell your camera equipment online?
41. Do you sell your camera equipment through a dealer?
42. How do you print your images?
43. What photo printer do you own?
44. What photo printer do you plan to purchase in the next 12 months?
45. Do you make photo prints of your images?
46. How often do you make prints of your images?
47. What size prints do you typically make?
48. What photo papers do you use?
49. Which types of specialty media do you print on?
50. What is the total value of your photography equipment?
51. How do you store your images? 
52. How many hours do you spend on the computer for your photography per week?
53. Do you own your own photo website?
54. What is the main purpose for your website?
55. What kind of imaging software do you currently own?
56. Do you shoot advanced level images on your smartphone?
57. Smartphone platform: 
58. What smartphone platform do you use?
59. What photography photo manipulation programs do you use?
60. What cell phone photo accessories do you use for photography?
61. How do you read Shutterbug? 
62. If you read the digital version only, how do you view the digital version?
63. Have you visited
64. How often do you visit
65. What is your primary reason for visiting
66. What social media do you use for your photography?
67. Do you visit Shutterbug’s social media? If so, which one?
68. What browser do you use?
69. Do you travel domestic or international for photography?
70. What percent of your time do you spend on travel photography?
71. How many workshops or seminars do you attend per year?
View official rules and regulations here