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Online Garage /Yard Sale Permit Application



There are three (3) ways to submit a Garage/Yard Sale Permit Application:

1. Fill out the form online (next page) and submit it online (preferred method)
Fill out the application by typing into it on-screen.  Click on the “Submit” button at bottom.

2. Fill out the form online (next page) then print and submit via postal mail or deliver in person
Fill out the application by typing into it on-screen.  Print the form and either mail or deliver in person to:

Attn:  Code Enforcement Division
City of North Las Vegas
2250 Las Vegas Blvd. North, Ste. 124
North Las Vegas, NV  89030-3306

3. Fill out the form online (next page) then print and submit via fax
Fill out the application by typing into it on-screen.  Print the form and fax to:

     Code Enforcement Division
     Fax:  (702) 633-5278

Per Chapter 5.21.030 of the North Las Vegas Municipal Code, two (2) garage/yard sales, up to three consecutive days in length, may be conducted at any location during a 12-month period.

Please note:  “Garage/Yard Sale” means the sale of any used items from residential premises. .

  • Signs advertising a garage/yard sale are prohibited on any public property.   In order to place garage or yard sale signs on private property, authorization from the owner of the property, or the owner=s duly authorized agent, is required.  All signs advertising the sale must be removed immediately upon completion of the sale
  • Any person or persons in violation of this code will be given a written order to immediately cease and desist operation.  Failure to comply may result in a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or imprisonment in the North Las Vegas jail.
  • Each day that the prohibited condition is not corrected is a separate offense for which additional penalties may be imposed.