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Learning & Development 2020

MTP plc has provided blended learning in the topics of Finance and Business Management, tailored for major companies and delivered on a global basis, for more than 25 years.

As a provider of learning programmes we are always keen to hear about future trends in the industry and would like to invite you to participate in our 3rd Biennial Survey on the Future of Business Learning. We have retained a consistent approach and similar questions to previous studies to enable us to identify changes and trends over time.

The results will be shared with the respondents in a confidential report and we will invite you to our next MTP Workshop to discuss the findings which will be held on Friday 6th May in central London. 

Please note that using the Return/ Enter key will attempt to submit the survey - please use Tab, arrow keys or your mouse to move between your answers.
The Role of Learning and Development
1. What do you believe will be the most important drivers of change in business learning by 2020?
(please rank as 1-4 where 1 is the most important) Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
2. What do you see becoming the most important skill for an internal management learning professional by 2020?
(please rank 1-4, where 1 in the most important) Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
3. Who currently manages the delivery of (but does not necessarily deliver) your training programmes?
4. Who do you expect will manage the delivery of (but not necessarily deliver) your training programmes in 2020?
5. Where does the budget for Learning & Development sit in your organisation?
6. Does your company have functional led academies (e.g. a Finance Academy)?

The 70:20:10 learning and development model is widely referred to by learning professionals to indicate the split of different types of learning within their organisation.
  • 70% - Experiential/Experience - learning and developing through day-today tasks, challenges and practice
  • 20% - Social/Exposure - learning and developing with and through others from coaching, exploiting personal networks and other collaborative and co-operative actions
  • 10% - Formal/Education - learning and developing through structured courses and program
8. What is the split of learning using the 70:20:10 model currently in your organisation?
(as a percentage, to add up to 100%)
0 out of 100% Total
9. What percentages of your time is currently spent on each element of the 70:20:10 model?
(as a percentage, to add up to 100%)
0 out of 100% Total
10. What do you expect the split of learning using the 70:20:10 model will be in 2020 in your organisation?
(as a percentage, to add up to 100%)
0 out of 100% Total
11. What percentage of your time do you expect to be spending on each element of the 70:20:10 model by 2020?
(as a percentage, to add up to 100%)
0 out of 100% Total
Current business programmes for 'middle managers'
12. Business managers require an understanding of business in order to carry out their responsibilities effectively.  How did the group of ‘middle managers’ in your company acquire their understanding? 
Please rank them in order of importance (1 - 4, 1 being the most important). Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
13. How are participants identified for business programmes?
(as a percentage, to add up to 100%)
0 out of 100% Total
14. What is the balance between programmes for people to improve their own functional skills (e.g. marketing programmes for people working in marketing) and programmes to increase understanding of other functions (e.g. finance for non-financial managers)
(as a percentage, to add up to 100%)
0 out of 100% Total
15. Do participants attend programmes (either company specific or open programmes) with the following groups? 
(as a percentage, to add up to 100%)
0 out of 100% Total
16. What is the biggest barrier to running learning programmes which are required to be globally consistent?
(please rank 1-5, where 1 is the greatest barrier, or select 'Do not run global learning programmes if you do not have experience of this) Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
17. What delivery methods are currently used for business programmes? 
Please rank them in order of time devoted to them where 1 is most time) Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
18. Which topics do you see as the priorities for your business up to 2020?
(please rank 1-10, where 1 is most popular) Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
20. For each of the following groups do you think that expenditure on business learning programmes will increase or decrease significantly (more than 20%) by 2020?
(tick appropriate option for each group)    
Space Cell DecreaseStableIncrease
Graduate recruits and trainee managers
Middle managers
Junior managers
A couple of questions on your organisation
This question requires a valid number format.
23. In which regions does your organisation operate?
24. Please complete your contact details below to receive your confidential copy of the findings *This question is required.
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