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What Acca Information

What Acca

1. How often would you like to see emails from Jon at What Acca?
2. What content would you predominantly like to see from the emails? (select multiple if required)
3. Do you like the current style and format of the emails?
4. When I include a link to a bookmaker, are you likely to click that link?
5. Do you like the tips to be posted in the email or would you rather them to be uploaded on site and a link to that page?
6. Which markets do you want me to target going forward for future tips? (select multiple if required) 
7. Which sports would you like me to target? (select multiple if required)
8. Which bookmakers do you already hold accounts with? (select multiple if required)
Thank you for Completing the What Acca questionnaire. Hopefully with your feedback I can tailor and improve the existing emails! 


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