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Magazine Reader

Magazine Survey

Hello Mountaineer reader! Thank you for taking this survey and helping us make the most of the Mountaineer magazine for you. We'd like to find out how often you read the magazine and what your favorite parts are. Starting January, 2016, we're considering making the magazine seasonal - with four issues per year (instead of six): winter, spring, summer and fall. We want to know what you think! If you have any additional questions or suggestions, please send an email to Suzanne, publications manager at
1. How often do you read the magazine?
2. Would you read the magazine if it were online-only?
3. What are your favorite parts of the magazine (check all that apply)
4. How do you learn about Mountaineers activities, courses and events?
5. Would you mind if we changed the circulation of the magazine to 4 times per year (seasonal)? Currently the magazine is issued 6 times per year.