Overview: As the number and type of workplace threats skyrocket, how can managers keep pace countering them, anticipating future perils, and using a systems approach to build resiliency?
Managers expect their agency to “take a licking and keep on ticking” as the old Timex commercial says. Recent major natural disasters, power outages, pandemics, constant economic pressures and criminal attacks in the workplace have driven home the point that it takes a team approach to “keep on ticking.” If resiliency is your ability to survive and thrive despite disruptions and disturbances and rapidly recovering to continue your basic operations, then how do you secure and protect your companies, businesses and government entities in tight budget times, and continue to meet and beat the on-rushing wave of new threats and challenges?
About the Presenter
Mark G. Stigler is a homeland security practitioner, full-time instructor at Waukesha County Technical College and has worked in in the government public safety sector for over 35 years. He is a former military and law enforcement and has taught for the last 15 years at the Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC) Homeland Security and Counter-Terrorism initiatives and at Marian University in the various homeland security and criminal justice programs. He has facilitated the building of various Continuity of Operations plans, Emergency Response Guidebooks and Emergency Operations Plans and is a frequent multiagency exercise evaluator. He is the lead Incident Command System / National Incident Management System (NIMS) instructor for WCTC and builds courses and teaches Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers homeland security topics. He is team leader of the Southeast Wisconsin Incident Management Team (SEW IMT) and volunteers for Waukesha County Emergency Management. The SEW IMT is a 50 person multidisciplinary team that deploys to events, emergencies or exercises as requested, to help local communities prepare, plan, respond to and recovery from major incidents using federal models. He also volunteers for Waukesha County Emergency Management.
He retired after 29 years from the City of Waukesha Police Department as the Deputy Chief of Police in charge of operations and was also the Emergency Management Coordinator. He also served in the U. S. Army, has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and earned his Master’s Degree in Homeland Defense and Security from the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) in Monterey, California.
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