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Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Request to Proceed with Project Form

Dear PSR DMin Student,

This form must be signed by all of your committee members and submitted to the Associate DeanĀ before you may register for DM-6011, DMin In Project.

Once you complete all required information, scroll down to the SUBMIT button on Page 2. Your identified Committee Members will receive your proposal and will receive instructions on where to submit their signed agreement.

For further questions about this form, please contact Dr. Jim Lawrence, DMin Director, at
This question requires a valid email address.
please provide concise responses to these questions
Will your project include Human Subject Research? *This question is required.
Please attach your Human Subjects Proposal and Approval. Make sure the attached file identifies you by name and content. *This question is required.
Committee Members Contact Information
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.