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Religion and Ethics User Survey

1. Where do you get news about religion? (Select all that apply) 
2. In the past year, how often have you watched the PBS series Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly?
Space Cell WeeklyA few times a monthMonthlyEvery Few MonthsOnce or twice a yearNever
On television?
3. What is your overall satisfaction with the PBS series Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly
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Not at all satisfiedNot very satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfiedExtremely satisfied
4. Given the opportunity, how likely are you to recommend R&E to a friend/family/colleague?
Not at all likelySomewhat likelyVery likelyExtremely likely
5. Please rate your level of interest in the following R&E segments.
Space Cell Not at all interestedNot very interestedSomewhat interestedVery interestedExtremely interested
Cover story
Special Reports
Belief and Practice
6. Overall, how important is Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly to you?
Please Rate:
Very relevantSomewhat relevantSlightly relevantNot relevant