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Assisted Living

1. In which of the following areas does your organization provide services now or plan to operate in the future? Please check all that apply:*
Space Cell NowFuture
Adult Daycare
Assisted Living
Home Care
Independent Living
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Memory Care
Skilled Nursing
Other (Please list in comment box)
2. What types of occupancy options do you offer in your Assisted Living community? Check all that apply: *This question is required.
3. What type of payment model is currently used for services rendered to your Assisted Living residents? Check all that apply: *This question is required.
4. Select the reasons why your residents and their families choose your Assisted Living community.  Please check all that apply: *This question is required.
5. Consider all the sources from which you receive referrals for your Assisted Living residents.  Please check all that apply: *This question is required.
6. There are a number of changes impacting the senior care market, such as rising acuity, changes to regulations, and demand for interoperability. To remain competitive and differentiate your community, where do you think you can improve your organization?  Check all that apply:
  *This question is required.
7. Please identify whether your organization leverages technology or uses manual/paper processes to manage your Assisted Living business and/or deliver services to your Assisted Living residents in the following categories. Check all that apply:

Space Cell TechnologyPaper/Manual
Billing/Financial Management
Care Services Management
Human Resources/ERP
Medication Management
Nutrition Management
Point of Sale
Property Management
Staff Scheduling
Other (Please list in comment box)
8. Are you using an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system in your Assisted Living community?   *This question is required.
9. Please indicate the benefits your  staff has experienced as a result of using an EHR.  Please check all that apply: *This question is required.
9. Please indicate the challenges your staff has experienced as a result of using an EHR.  Please check all that apply: *This question is required.
9. What has prevented your organization from investing in EHR technology?  Please check all that apply: *This question is required.
9. What are the most common reasons driving your organization to consider adopting major technologies that can be used in Assisted Living operations (like property management, resident management, medication management, CRM, EHR, etc.)? Please check all that apply: *This question is required.
10. Where do you learn about technology options that apply to your organization’s operations?  Please check all that apply: *This question is required.
11. Are you using mobile devices for care documentation, delivery and communication on the job in your Assisted Living community?   *This question is required.
12. How has the use of mobile technologies at work changed the way you/your colleagues carry out your jobs? Please check all that apply: *This question is required.
12. What is preventing your organization from considering mobile technology?  Please check all that apply: *This question is required.
12. What are the top 3 factors that you believe will most impact the success of your organization over the next five years? Please select only your top 3 factors:   *This question is required.
Please note you can only select 3 items. 
13. What is the size of the organization you manage/belong toPlease check only one: *This question is required.
15. Is your Assisted Living community actively participating in an ACO? *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.