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Halal certification on food products in Australia

1. What is your age?
2. Are you male or female? 
3. What is your ethnicity? (Please select all that apply)
4. Do you identify with any of the following religions?
6. Do you have a multicultural group of friends and/or work colleagues?
7. How often do you shop in the 'international foods' aisle in the supermarket?
8. How do you feel about Australia being a multicultural nation with many people from all over the world living here?
9. Cadbury chocolate is now Halal (safe for Muslims) certified.
How likely are you to continue buying this product?
10. Vegemite is now Halal (safe for Muslims) and Kosher (safe for Jews) certified. 
How likely are you to continue buying this product?
11. Which logo on a food product would concern you more?
12. How do you feel about the following statement:

'Halal certfification funds terrorism organisatons like I.S.I.S'
13. How do you feel about the following statement:

'Halal certified food products in this country is unAustralian'