Dear colleague,
Welcome to Pulse’s GP burnout survey for 2015. The following 22 questions will give you an idea of your risk of burnout using a version of the validated Maslach© questionnaire adapted for GPs.
For each question, please mark the frequency you experience the feeling in your job as best you can.
This information will be used by Pulse to collect an overall picture of the levels of burnout in general practice in the UK. All data will be aggregated in any reporting, and will be completely anonymised.
If you wish to leave a comment at the end of the survey, please do. If you are happy for Pulse to contact you then please leave your details, although
no identifying information will be used in any subsequent coverage.
If you are concerned about burnout, then Pulse has collected a list of contracts and resources you can access
here. Please do visit your own GP if you are worried about the results of this survey.
Thank you for taking part in this survey, your participation will enable us to get a better picture of the pressures on general practice and campaign for better support for GPs.
Nigel Praities
Editor, Pulse
MBI-Human Services Survey: Copyright ©1981 Christina Maslach & Susan E. Jackson