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Vehicle After Market Research Study

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Thank you for your interest in joining our paid market research study regarding the after market vehicle business. Each participant will receive $150 for 1 hours of his/her time during January 2015

This is neither a sales nor recruiting event. It is merely for market research purposes to learn more about businesses involved in the after market vehicle industry.

The following is a brief preliminary questionnaire to see if you might qualify for this particular market research study. It should take no more than 5-7 minutes to complete. This preliminary questionnaire must be completed in one session. Once you complete a page you will not be able to revisit previous sections.

We will then follow up with you within 1-3 business days with more details if you are a good fit for this topic. Should you not qualify for this particular study, we will gladly keep your name on file for future paid market research studies.

Should you wish to be removed from any future correspondence from C2 Research Inc. please email us at Subject line: "REMOVE."

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

C2 Research Inc.