Canada Big Data Talent Gap Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete the
Canada Big Data Talent Gap Survey. This survey has been developed by Ryerson University’s
Big Data Consortium, Canada’s first national, multi-sector consortium formed to study and tackle key issues related to Big Data and Advanced Analytics.
Is there a Big Data and Advanced Analytics Talent Gap in Canada?
This survey should take a maximum of 30 minutes to complete, and your responses will be anonymous. This survey is divided into three (3) short sections: Section I asks you to tell us about your organization. Section II asks you to tell us about your Big Data and Advanced Analytics program, a major driver of your talent needs. Section III asks you to tell us about your known Big Data and Advanced Analytics needs. Combined, your answers will help us address the primary objective of determining whether a Big Data and Advanced Analytics talent gap exists in Canada and, if so, to better understand the breadth and depth of that gap within our unique Canadian context.
Based on the survey results, during Phase Two the Consortium will bring together Canada’s leading organizations from across all sectors (i.e., industry, government, and academia), all industries, and all geographies – representing both the demand and supply sides of the talent gap – in a one-day Big Data Talent Gap Summit to develop strategic recommendations for closing the talent gap. The outcomes of the project will be released in a white paper, which the Consortium hopes will inspire meaningful conversations and action in Canada.
Big Data vs. Advanced Analytics
This survey is focused on exploring a potential talent gap in Big Data and Advanced Analytics in Canada. For the purposes of this survey, “Big Data” is defined as data sets with the following characteristics: highly unstructured data formats; high volume data in the 100 terabytes to petabytes; high and constant flow of data; and data where traditional data processing methods are insufficient to perform meaningful analysis. “Big Data” is distinguished from “Advanced Analytics,” which is the application of advanced analytics technologies, tools, and processes to data sets to address business problems, create insights, and drive innovation and value creation.
Canada’s Big Data Consortium
A multi-sector collaboration by design, the Consortium will be led by some of Canada’s leading organizations in academia, industry, and government, each representing their respective sectors’ needs, perspectives, capacities, and capabilities. Members include: Ryerson University, Dalhousie University, Concordia University, Simon Fraser University, Deloitte, the Information Technology Association of Canada, TMX Group, SAS Canada, and the Government of Canada. Below are the names of the academic researchers:
Dr. Ayse Bener, Ryerson University
Dr. Greg Butler, Concordia University
Dr. Fred Popowich, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Stan Matwin, Dalhousie University
Consent Form
All survey responses will be anonymous. To mitigate the risk of breaching anonymity, the following measures have been incorporated into the survey design:
- Survey questions do not request any data that can be considered as unique identifiers.
- IP addresses will not be tracked.
- Should you feel that any question might potentially identify your organization, you will be given the option to skip the question, or choose the "Prefer not to answer" response option.
- At any time, you will be given the option to discontinue your survey by closing the browser. All data from surveys that are not completed (i.e., respondent does not click "Submit" at the end of the survey) will be destroyed (not used in the analysis).
Survey data will be stored at Ryerson University for a period of one (1) year, under password protection, and will be securely transferred between partnering sites.
The survey host, Surveygizmo, works with a third party data centre provider (ViaWest) to ensure that all data is stored in a secure environment and uses firewalls and other technology to reasonably prevent outside access (
By completing this survey, participants are not waiving any legal rights.
For More Information
For more information regarding the
Big Data Consortium and the
Canada Big Data Talent Gap Survey, please
visit our website, or contact:
Peggy Steele
Special Project Liaison
Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic
Ryerson University
Again, thank you for your contributions to this important survey.