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Evaluation for webcast on Standards for Assistive Technology Funding: What are the Right Criteria?

Evaluation for webcast on Standards for Assistive Technology Funding: What are the Right Criteria?

1. After viewing the webcast, do you have a better understanding of the context and needs of the various stakeholders involved in the issue of funding options for assistive technologies designed for persons with disabilities?
2. After viewing the webcast, do you have increased awareness of the AT Working Group recommendations to impact the issue of funding options for assistive technologies designed for persons with disabilities?
3. How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following aspects of the webinar session?
Space Cell Very SatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedNeither Satisfied nor UnsatisfiedSomewhat DissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
Presentation format
4. Please indicate how useful this session was for you.
Extremely UsefulVery UsefulUsefulSomewhat UsefulNot Useful at All
5. How likely is it that in the future you will be able to use something you learned today?
Extremely LikelyVery LikelyLikelySomewhat LikelyNot at all Likely