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Medical Alert Tattoos

Info and consent

Information and Consent

(Summary: you agree to do the survey and consent to your answers being used in publications. You can scroll to the bottom to start, or read the detailed information required by our ethics board below)

You have been invited to participate in a web-based survey study on medical alert tattoos. This study aims to gather information on these tattoos including content, how common they are, motivations for getting them, emergency personnel’s experiences and recommendations for optimizing their use in emergency situations.

The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept anonymous: we ask that you only provide general information that cannot be used to identify you personally. For example, please do not include names of people, hospitals or cities of residence. More specific instructions will be provided in the questions.

The risks associated with this study are minimal. While some of the questions ask about personal experiences or preferences which could potentially trigger an emotional response in some individuals, the questions have been designed for information gathering purposes only.

There are no direct benefits to completing this study. Potential publications and training programs would however aim to increase awareness of these tattoos in the medical community, which has the potential to benefit patients with these tattoos in the future.

Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You may stop the survey at any time.

Consent: I have read and fully understand the consent form. I understand that my participation is voluntary. By clicking 'Next' below, I am indicating that I freely and voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

Please print or save a copy of this page before clicking below to retain for your records.

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey please contact Alex at
1. Are you a... *This question is required.
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