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Climate Smart Survey

1. Make transit more convenient, frequent, accessible and affordable.

There are four key ways to make transit service more convenient, frequent, accessible and affordable – increasing the frequency of transit service, providing new community and regional transit connections, building bike and walking routes that connect stops, and providing reduced fares for low-income, disabled and older adults.
Potential benefits to your community and the region:

• Improves access to jobs, the workforce, and goods and services to boost business revenue

• Creates jobs and saves consumers and employers money

• Stimulates development, generating local and state revenue

• Provides drivers an alternative to congested roadways and supports freight movements by take cars of the road

• Increases physical activity

• Reduces air pollution and air toxics

• Reduces risk of traffic fatalities and injuries

2. Should your community and our region invest in making transit more convenient, frequent, accessible and affordable?