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Travel Planning and You – Perceptions and Reactions

About YOU

PLEASE READ: This page will help establish the identity of the responding group. No information about individuals will be shared or expressed -- it's purely for academic use and will remain anonymous. If you have never been to Paris or are not planning a trip, you still can -- and SHOULD -- take this survey! If you LIVE in Paris, that's OK, too! ANYONE can fill it out! ***IF NOT GOING TO PARIS: Just think about whatever destination you may be planning a trip to and substitute it for "Paris" AFTER question 10.
1. Have you been to Paris? *This question is required.
3. Are you currently planning a trip to Paris? *This question is required.
This question requires a valid number format.
5. Your sex? *This question is required.
6. What nationality are you and where do you live? *This question is required.
7. Do you speak French? *This question is required.
9. Do you read Paris news or information while *not* on vacation or planning a trip to Paris? *This question is required.
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