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R & vanR Chapter 9 Quiz

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Please answer each of the following questions to help you self-assess your understanding of "Chapter 9: Making Sense of Multivariate Statistics" (Remler & Van Ryzin, 2010)
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2. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Phenomenon in which an independent variable is a linear combination of two more of the other independent variables.The best linear predictor of a dependent variable using more than one independent variable.Making a prediction using a fitted model (particularly regression) far from the data used to fit the model.Statistics examining the relationships between multiple (more than two) variables at the same time.A statistical analysis that compares the means across groups, normally used in analysis of experimental data.An adjusted version of R-squared that takes into consideration the number of independent variables. Technically, an unbiased estimator of the population R-squared - the proportion of the dependent variable variance explained by all the independent variables in the population.
Multiple Regression
Adjusted R-Squared
Multivariate Statistics
Out-of-Sample Extrapolation
3. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Model predicting the log odds of an event.Method that estimates the pattern of relationships between variables in a presumed causal structure.Ordinary least squares regression model in which dependent variable is a dummy variable and predicted values of the dependent variable are interpreted as probabilities.A variable defined as the product of two other variables, usually used to empirically measure an interaction.The effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable, before or without its moderation by another variable (interaction).The predicted difference in the probability due to a specified change in the relevant independent variable.
Interaction Variable
Main Effect
Marginal Effect
Path Analysis
Logistic Regression
Linear Probability Model
4. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Multivariate method that groups many variables (indicators) into a smaller set of clusters or underlying factors.Correlations between the observed variables and the underlying and unobserved factors.Factor analysis in which the number of factors and how items correlate with factors are discovered by the procedure rather than specified in advance by the researcher.Factor analysis in which the researcher does not use theory to impose a structure but lets the computer choose the number of factors and estimate how the items correlate with each factor.Factor analysis in which theory is used to impose both the number of factors and which variables load onto each factor.
Factor Loadings
Exploratory Factor Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Factor Analysis
Exploratory Factor Analysis
5. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Models that describe relationships between variables at different units of analysis. Also known as hierarchical models.Using data from times series in the past to predict future values of the dependent variable(s).The effect, outcome, prediction, or response from a cause or independent variable - the variable the researcher is trying to explain.Multivariate method for estimating models in which observed indicators represent latent variables and also latent variables are related to each other in a presumed causal (structural) manner similar to path analysis.Method to predict the length of time until some event.
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Multilevel Models
Dependent Variable
Survival Analysis
6. ___ is a data reduction method that does not impose or assume a structure. *This question is required.
7. ____ often consist of repeated measures of the same variable from the same individuals over time *This question is required.
8. A simple regression is run with the log of annual income in dollars as the dependent variable and years of education as the independent variable. The coefficient of education will provide the following information: *This question is required.
9. In a survey, an individual’s health insurance status is reported as being in one of the following categories: Medicare, Medicaid, Employer provided insurance, Individual private insurance, Other insurance or Uninsured. If health insurance status is to be used as an independent variable in a regression, the following are acceptable combinations of dummy variables *This question is required.
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