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R & vanR Chapter 6 Quiz

Page 1 Questions

Please answer each of the following questions to help you self-assess your understanding of "Chapter 6: Secondary Data" (Remler & Van Ryzin, 2010)
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2. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Another term for aggregated data.Data summarized as a mean, proportion, count, or other statistic at a higher unit of analysis, such as a geographic area or institutional unit (such as a school). Contrasted with microdata.Data at its most basic level of observation - or unit of analysis - often of individual people or households. Contrasted with aggregated data.Information that is recorded, coded, and stored in numerical form.Measurements of many individuals, organizations, or places at a single point in time.Data that combine variables with different unit of analysis.
Ecological Data
Multilevel (or Hierarchical) Data
Cross-Sectional Data
Quantitative Data
Aggregate Data
3. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Data gathered over time.Repeated measures on the same individuals (or group or entity) over time.Database structure composed of various tables of information that are linked and work together.Completely aggregated or single-measure data over time.Group of study subjects are followed over time to observe what happens to them.Repeated independent cross sections over time.
Prospective Cohort
Time Series
Longitudinal Data
Panel Data
Pooled Cross Sections
Relational Database
4. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Software that allows users to directly analyze public data on the Web.Documentation that describes the layout of a data file and how data were collected, coded and weighted.Not containing information that identifies who an individual is or enables identification through indirect means.Individual-level data collected and made available to the public.Two-dimensional data structure generally used by statistical software with variables represented in columns and rows representing the unit of analysis.
Online Data Analysis Tool
Public Use Microdata
5. A researcher decides to download microdata from the General Social Survey, rather than conduct his own survey, in order to do a statistical analysis of attitudes toward work among US adults. This an example of *This question is required.
6. A study used data from the Eurobarometer survey to analyze citizens’ opinions. Although two years of survey data were used, the survey asked a new cross section of people each year. The same individuals were not asked more than once. What type of data is this? *This question is required.
7. A researcher has a dataset of 20,000 individuals surveyed by telephone and seeks to examine what demographic characteristics are associated with smoking. What type of data is this? *This question is required.
8. Which of the following is an example of a quantitative variable? *This question is required.
9. Which is NOT an example of aggregate data? *This question is required.
10. A study linked data on per-pupil spending, school size, and other school characteristics with data on the test scores of individual students. The data in this study is best described as *This question is required.
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