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R & vanR Chapter 5 Quiz

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Please answer each of the following questions to help you self-assess your understanding of "Chapter 5: Sampling" (Remler & Van Ryzin, 2010)
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2. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell A subset of people or elements selected from a population.A subset of a population (sample) chosen at random.The extent to which the results generalize to a wider group or reality, external to the study. Another term for generalizability.Process of selecting people or elements from a population for inclusion in a research study.A nonprobability sample that was chosen for convenience and that may be biased.A method for pooling together multiple smaller studies to get a much bigger, combined study.Sample chosen based on probability, at random on some level, which makes the sample representative.Repeating a study with a different sample, in a different place, time period, or policy context, or with a different study design.A sample consisting of volunteers.The population the study aims to investigate.
Convenience Sample
Voluntary Sample
Population of Interest
Sample *This question is required
External Validity
Meta-Analysis *This question is required
Random Sample
Probability Sample
Replication *This question is required
3. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Using samples to learn about the population, or using evidence to identify a causal relationship.Bias in survey that occurs when members of the sampling frame are systematically different from the target population in a way related to the measures.The population the study aims to investigate.Likelihood of responding to a survey or survey question.Share who are reached from those sampled from the sampling frame.The list of enumeration of the population from which the sample is taken.Share who cooperate with a survey request from among those contacted.A telephone survey method that gives both listed and unlisted numbers an equal chance of being selected by replacing random digits at the ends of listed residential telephone numbers.Share who respond to a survey from among those sampled from a sampling frame.Every member of a population. Contrasts with a sample.
Propensity to Respond *This question is required
Sampling Frame
Response Rate
Contact Rate *This question is required
Random Digit Dialing (RDD)
Coverage Bias
Cooperation Rate *This question is required
4. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Variability in sample statistics, across different samples, due to random chance of who ends up in a sample.Method of sampling or finding study subjects in which interviewees are asked to refer people they know to the researcher for inclusion in the sample.Bias in a study that occurs when volunteers differ from a more representative sample of the population in ways that influence the findings of the study.Bias in survey results that occurs when those who do not respond are systematically different from those who do respond in a way related to the measures.Error in sample statistics due to random chance of who ends up in a sample.Choosing from the sampling frame at random.A theoretical distribution that is bell-shaped, symmetrical, and has many useful properties in statistics.Selecting of people (or elements) from a population in such a way that each individual has an equal chance, or probability, of selection.Method of sampling based on respondent contacts, like snowball sampling, but with a statistical foundation.The distribution of statistics estimated from many repeated samples.
Sampling Variability
Respondent-Driven Sampling
Volunteer Bias
Sampling Error *This question is required
Snowball Sampling
Simple Random Sampling
Random Sampling (or Probability Sampling)
Normal Distribution *This question is required
Sampling Distribution *This question is required
Nonresponse Bias
5. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell A variation on stratified sampling in which some strata are sampled with probability greater than their population share. Also called disproportionate sampling.The actual data available in the sample, equal to the true sample minus those who could not be reached and those who did not agree to participate.The amount added to the point estimate in both directions to create the confidence interval.Probability sampling method in which a sample is drawn separately from each group - each stratum - and the population is divided into exhaustive and mutually exclusive strata.All the people or elements originally selected from the sampling frame, regardless of whether they are contacted or respond.A variation on stratified sampling in which some strata are sampled at different rates. Also called oversampling.A range of values in which we have a defined level of confidence (e.g. 95%) that the true value of the statistic being estimated lies.Probability sampling method in which individuals or elements are sampled at even intervals - every kth individual for some integer k.The precision of the estimate - how good a job we expect it to do, on average.Exhaustive and mutually exclusive subgroups of a target population.
Standard Error
Confidence Interval
Margin of Error
True Sample
Observed Sample
Systematic Sampling
Stratified Sampling *This question is required
Oversampling *This question is required
Disproportinate Sampling *This question is required
6. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Probability sampling methods that are more complex than simple random sampling, such as cluster sampling, stratified sampling, and disproportionate sampling.The loss of precision due to a particular complex survey sampling design.Adjustment of sample statistics to ensure that each stratum's share of the sample represents its share in the population. Used to correct samples that do not reflect the characteristics of the population. Also called poststratification adjustment.A probability sampling method in which more aggregated units (clusters) are sampled before sampling individuals.Adjustment of sample statistics to ensure that each stratum's share of the sample represents its share in the population. Used to correct samples that do not reflect the characteristics of the population. Also called poststratification weighting.A probability sampling method in which more aggregated units (clusters) are sampled and then sampling occurs within the aggregates.A procedure for giving some individuals in the data more, or less, weight in the analysis. Often required when disproportionate or complex sampling is used.The comparable sample size from a simple random sample; it expresses the design effect (often a loss) due to complex sampling.Similarity of elements within a cluster. Also referred to as rho - the rate of homogeneity.
Effective Sample Size
Poststratification Adjustment
Poststratification Weighting
Multistage Sampling
Cluster Sampling
Intraclass Correlation
Complex Survey Sampling *This question is required
Design Effect *This question is required
7. When data are collected on the entire population, this type of study is referred to as *This question is required.
8. The process of estimating characteristics of an entire group of units based on the characteristics of a subset of that group is called making *This question is required.
9. A doctor wanted to learn about the use of preventive health care services among low-income men. She conducted a survey in the waiting room of the clinic where she worked. This type of sample is called *This question is required.
10. A professor is studying relationships between siblings. Twins are a group of special interest. Which of the following would be a way to make sure enough twins are in the study to examine as a separate subgroup? *This question is required.
11. Which type of sampling is usually more clearly generalizable? *This question is required.
12. A local health department conducted a survey by calling household telephones in order to ask questions related to HIV/AIDS prevention and related behaviors. The survey, however, did not call cell phones and thus missed many younger people. This problem is called: *This question is required.
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