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R & vanR Chapter 3 Quiz

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Please answer each of the following questions to help you self-assess your understanding of "Chapter 3: Qualitative Research" (Remler & Van Ryzin, 2010)
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2. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell The raw data from qualitative research, which can take the form of field notes, interview transcriptions, video or audio recordings, or documents, among others.Any research involving the statistical analysis of quantitative data - including both quantitative and categorical variables.Subjects or cases or research are chosen for a purpose, not to provide a sample that is representative of a population, for qualitative research.A theory that emerges from observations made in a qualitative study and is grounded in the specific setting.Sampling in which people or cases are chosen to generate theory, and the number of people or cases is necessarily limited, for qualitative research. It does not produce a representative sample.Research that involves language, images, and other forms of expressing meaning that researchers then interpret - research that does not involve numbers or quantification.The notion that language allows us to stand in someone else's shoes and see the world from their perspective.
Purposive Sampling
Qualitative Data
Quantitative Research
Theoretical Sampling
Qualitative Research
Grounded Theory
3. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell A question that cannot be answered with a limited set of possible answers and gives the person answering the opportunity to choose what information to provide.The person who guides a focus group. Also called a facilitator.A qualitative research method that involves interviewing with an interview guide, including a planned set of open-ended questions.A qualitative research method that involves interviewing with no predetermined set of questions.A qualitative group interviewing procedure that involves typically 6 to 12 participants, seated around a table, and a modulator who asks questions and guides the discussion.A script for the facilitator or moderator of a focus groupm containing open-ended questions and sometimes accompanied by probes, that helps guide or structure the discussion.A set of open-ended questions, sometimes accompanied by probes, that help guide or structure the discussion in a semistructured interview.
Unstructured Interview
Open-Ended Question
Interview Guide
Moderator's Guide
Focus Group
Semistructured Interview
4. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Researcher in participant observation who attempts to remain unobstrusive and does not interview or engage with people in the setting.A qualitative research method in which the researcher participates in and observes his or her subjects.Qualitative research method to describe and understand the culture of a group of people, often using participant observation.Researcher in a participant observation who spends significant time in the setting, joining in important activities or events, but does not assume an actual role as such.Researcher in participant observation who visits the setting, typically only on one of just a few occasions, to conduct interviews with people and make observations.Role of a researcher in a participant observation study involving full or complete participation.Participant observation method in which a researcher plays the role of a customer to experience service quality.
Participant as Observer
Participant Observation
Secret (or Mystery) Shopping Method
Complete Participant
Complete Observer
Observer as Participant
5. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell A form of randomized experiment in which matched pairs of race-discordant auditors apply for a job, loan, or other services to test for race discrimination.The process of tagging or organizing qualitative data using a system of categories or codes.The organization and interpretation of qualitative data, which may or may not be aided with software.Research approach that combines both quantitative and qualitative research techniques.Research that focuses on a single complex case, applying multiple qualitative and sometimes quantitative methods.Consistency with which codes are applied to qualitative data.The analysis of the content of qualitative data, such as texts or images, usually involving a process of coding.
Audit Studies
Case Study
Qualitative Data Analysis
Content Analysis
Intercoder Reliability
Mixed-Methods Studies
6. A researcher wanted to study acculturation among Asian Indian men living in cities in the United States. He visited several cities, staying there for months at a time, living among his subjects, and conducting unstructured interviews. Based on this description, how would you categorize the design of this research? *This question is required.
7. Which of the following is an example of an open-ended question? *This question is required.
8. Which of the following best characterizes qualitative research? *This question is required.
9. In contrast to unstructured interviews, in semi-structured interviews you are more likely to find the researcher using *This question is required.
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