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R & vanR Chapter 2 Quiz

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Please answer each of the following questions to help you self-assess your understanding of "Chapter 2: Theory and Models" (Remler & Van Ryzin, 2010)
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2. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell A diagram or equation or other representation that serves to articulate and communicate a theory.Detailed causal process that produces an outcome.Variation over time.Variation across individuals, organizations, or places at a single point in time.A logical description of how a particular corner or aspect of the world works.A prediction of what will happen if a theory is correct.A logical description of how a particular corner or aspect of the world works. Contrasts with paradigms or grand theories of society.An independent variable of interest that can be changed, or influenced, by policy or practice.An independent variable of interest that cannot be changed or influenced by policy or practice.
Longitudinal Variation
Middle Range Theory
Nonmodifiable Variable
Cross-Sectional Variation
Modifiable Variable
3. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell A model showing causal relationships between variables.Causal process or sequence of events that produces a causal effect.Something that can take on different values or different attributes.The variable whose effect is of interest - the cause, the explanatory variable, the treatment, or the predictor.How the variation of two different variables are related.A diagram or equation or other representation that serves to articulate and communicate a theory.The effect, outcome, prediction, or response from a cause or independent variable - the variable the researcher is trying to explain.A relationship (correlation or association) due to causation. When one variable changes, another one changes as a consequence.
Path Diagram
Path Model
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Causal Relationship
Causal Mechanism
4. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell Relationship in which the two related variables move in the opposite direction.The financial, human, and material resources required by the program described in more implementation-oriented logic models.Relationship in which the two related variables move in the same direction.Training, counseling, marketing, and other tasks that make up the work of implementing a program and that are described in implementation-oriented logic models.The objects, individuals, or things described by the variables or theory.The response of interest to a program.Model (usually diagram) that communicates the underlying theory or mechanism of how a program will work.Immediate products of these activities, such as people trained, brochures distributed, or citations issued, described in implementation-oriented logic models.
Logic Model
Positive (+) Relationship
Unit of Analysis
Negative (-) Relationship
5. Please Match the Term to Its Definition *This question is required.
Space Cell A directional relationship that appears at an aggregated level but does not exist, or is reversed, at the individual level.The fact that relationships that hold at one unit of analysis may not hold at more aggregated levels.Situation when two variables each affect the magnitude of the effect of the other on the dependent variable.A variable that changes the magnitude of the effect of another variable.A variable along a causal pathway. Also known as a mediator.Higher level or more aggregate variables in a mulilevel analysis.Models that describe relationships between variables at different units of analysis. Also known as multilevel models.A variable along a causal pathway. Also known as a n intervening variable.
Intervening Variable
Moderator Variable
Aggregation Problem
Ecological Fallacy
Hierarchical Models
Contextual Variables
6. A theory has observable implications. In other words, it generates *This question is required.
7. In the statement “Raising taxes stifles economic growth” which of the following are true: *This question is required.
8. Officials at a public housing agency wanted to know whether supportive housing, which combines affordable housing with social services, helps low-income single mothers recover from substance abuse and maintain employment. A research study showed that length of residence in supportive housing was negatively correlated with substance abuse but was not significantly related to employment. Which of the following is the dependent variable in this study? *This question is required.
9. 4. An experiment was conducted to find out if using math computer software in the classroom would improve student math test scores. In a school district, some classrooms were randomly assigned to receive the new software, and others were randomly assigned to not receive it. At the end of the year, a researcher compared the average math test scores in the classrooms that received the software to the average score in the classrooms that did not receive the software. Which of the following is the unit of analysis in this study? *This question is required.
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