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University of Ulster 3 month Graduate Internship- Employer Interest Form 2013-14

University of Ulster is inviting employers to apply to become partners in a 3 month Graduate Internship Scheme, supported by Santander Universities. It is specifically targeted at local small to medium sized enterprise (SMEs) although organisations with charitable status are also acceptable. Through this scheme partner employers will recruit a successful graduate for a 3 month internship. Students will receive a £3000 bursary over the 3 months .The total cost to employers is approximately £1500 with Santander Universities supporting this initiative by providing the remaining £1500. If you are an interested employer the main requirement is that you have a graduate level project/experience that graduates will complete. Employers must be based in Northern Ireland and can be from any industry and internships must commence before 30 June 2014. If you are interested please complete this form to formally submit your interest and project details. Once you complete this interest form a member of staff will contact you to discuss your project, role and the process if your proposal is successful. Places are limited and University of Ulster will make the final decision on suitablility of internship opportunities. Please note that you automatically receive a copy of the completed submission to the email address you include in this proposal.
1. Please confirm that your organisation is an SME (250 or less employees) or an organisation with Charitable status that falls within employee/income restrictions of SMEs. *This question is required.
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid email address.
Terms & Conditions
If successful in becoming a recruiting employer Internship providers agrees to the following:
1. To co-operate with the University of Ulster in a fair recruitment process to select a successful graduate.
2. That the successful graduate will commence their internship before 30th June 2014.
3. To pay the University of Ulster £1500 to cover a 50% contribution to the bursary before the graduate starts their internship.
4. To guarantee up to 3 months of well defined, meaningful work aimed at graduate level
5. To ensure that an appropriately experienced mentor is provided for the graduate for the duration of the internship and that they provide sufficient instruction to the graduate to maximise effectiveness during their internship, monitor their performance and undertake regular progress meetings.
6. To provide a workplace induction during the first week of the internship outlining hours of attendance; support arrangements; Health and Safety regulations; sickness and absence procedures; disciplinary and grievance procedures and holiday entitlement.
7. To permit graduate interns to avail of the same holiday leave as a normal paid employee.
8. To provide such resources as are required to assist the graduate in delivering the internship's objectives.
9. To permit University of Ulster/Santander staff to visit the graduate intern at any stage throughout the duration of the Professional Experience Programme.
10. To provide a safe working environment and to comply with all Health and Safety regulations and to report to the University team any accidents or ill health arising from work, involving the graduate.
11. To not commit any act of discrimination rendered unlawful by the Sex Discrimination (Northern Ireland) Orders 1976 and 1989 or the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 or the Race Relations (NI) Order 1997 or any enactments amending, extending or replacing the same.
12. To maintain confidentiality in relation to the graduate's personal information as required by the Data Protection Act 1998.