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Family Foundation Purposes, Structure and Function FINAL

Introduction: Please Read!!!

Family foundations help families to translate their deeply held values into philanthropic action. While family foundations exist to make a social impact, another important set of purposes relates to the family behind the foundation. Families may view the foundation of which they are trustees as a mechanism to transmit charitable values to the next generation, to bring family members from different geographies together, to create opportunities for family members to work together outside of a business setting, or to strengthen family ties. Each of these family purposes could be as important to the family as, if not more important than, making a social impact.

This survey is intended to explore how family foundation trustees believe the foundation they serve balances family purposes with efforts to make a social impact. The researchers are exploring whether trustees from different foundations differ in terms of how they perceive the balance between these purposes and what implications this difference has for governance, grantmaking and engagement in networks. Trustees may also find reflection on these questions useful in their own work for the foundation they serve.

Overviews of our findings (with all identifying information removed) will be made available to the Indiana Philanthropy Alliance, the Michigan Council on Foundations and the National Center for Family Philanthropy. Information from this study could prove useful to trustees who might be exploring these issues in their own organization.

Some respondents to this survey will be invited to participate in a face-to-face interview with the researchers to explore in more detail some of the responses to questions in this survey.

If you have any questions or concerns at any time before, during or after completion of the survey, you may contact Joseph Palus at 317-966-3002 or by e-mail at at any time. The survey consists of 25 questions and is divided into the following sections:

1) Purpose and Mission Statement
2) Board Composition and Development
3) Staff, Peers and Networks
4) Contact Information and Follow-up

For multiple choice or rating scale questions, please mark the box(es) next to the option(s) that best reflect your response; some of these questions also invite you to elaborate on your responses with comments. For ranking questions, Surveygizmo allows you to rank items by dragging them into a new list. Before you proceed with this survey, please read the informed consent statement form. If you agree to the terms and conditions of the survey, please select the appropriate option at the bottom of the form on the next page. At the end of the survey, a printable copy of the informed consent statement will be available.