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Online Syracuse University Sport News

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1. Thinking about your online reading habits, please choose which days of the week you typically look for online sport stories about college football. Select all that apply:
2. Thinking about your online reading habits, please choose which days of the week you typically look for online sport stories about college basketball. Select all that apply:
3. Thinking about your online reading habits, please choose which days of the week you typically look for online sport stories about college lacrosse. Select all that apply:
4. Please choose which months of the year you typically look for online sports stories about college football. Select all that apply:
5. Please choose which months of the year you typically look for online sports stories about college basketball. Select all that apply:
6. Please choose which months of the year you typically look for online sports stories about college lacrosse. Select all that apply:
7. Out of the months you selected, during which month are you most likely to search Syracuse University Football information?
8. Out of the months you selected, during which month are you most likely to search Syracuse University Basketball information?
9. Out of the months you selected, during which month are you most likely to search Syracuse University Lacrosse information?
10. Thinking about the last Twitter link you remember clicking on, what type of link was it?
11. Thinking about the last sport story you read, please indicate which story type it was.
12. What is your favorite type of sport story to read?
13. Please indicate your gender.
14. Please select your age range.
15. Do you have an affiliation with Syracuse University?
16. Please indicate the time of day you typically read sport news for football, basketball and lacrosse.
Space Cell Syracuse University FootballSyracuse University BasketballSyracuse University Lacrosse
17. Please indicate the device you typically use to retrieve sport news depending on the time of day.
Space Cell MorningNoonAfternoonEveningNight
None of the above
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