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ARIADNE Stakeholder Survey


ARIADNE Stakeholder Survey:

Data access in archaeological research


This survey addresses researchers in archaeology, directors of archaeological research institutes and managers of digital data repositories. It explores current practices, needs and gaps with regard to the access to research data. The objective of the survey is to help understand the current situation and how archaeologists could benefit from new data infrastructures and services (as to be developed by the ARIADNE project) in the best way.

Participate in the survey and win an iPad: Two iPads (or other tablet computers - depending on your choice) will be raffled off among all participants of the survey!



ARIADNE is a project funded by the European Commission under the Community's Seventh Framework Programme. ARIADNE aims to bring together and integrate existing archaeological research data repositories and services so that researchers can access and use the various distributed datasets more effectively.



Imprint & contact

The survey is managed by Salzburg Research GmbH on behalf of the ARIADNE project consortium.

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg

Contact person:

Mr Hannes Selhofer
Project Manager

Tel. +43.662.2288-254

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