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International Bed Bug Survey 2013

Page One

Dear Colleague: As you know, bed bugs are making a comeback around the world. Various industry bed bug surveys have been conducted, including several in the United States and a global survey in 2010. We are conducting another international survey since we believe much can be learned from international companies about the global nature of these pests. Please take 10-15 minutes to fill out this survey developed by the National Pest Management Association and the University of Kentucky. Your feedback is requested as soon as possible, but by no later than May 30, 2013. If you are doing business in more than one country, please fill out a separate survey for each country of operation. We will then tabulate the findings and share them in upcoming news articles and meetings. Thank you for your participation.
2. In which areas does your company primarily do business? (Check all that apply.)
3. Specify what percentage of your company's work is commercial and what percentage is residential (totals should add up to 100).
Total : 0
4. Size of company (by number of employees)
5. Which of the following pests do you consider the most difficult to control?
6. Have you treated or been asked to treat for bed bugs within the past year?
7. About how many bed bug jobs did your company do last year? (If multiple hotel or apartment units were treated, count the entire building as one job.)
8. Did you often encounter bed bugs more than 5 years ago?
9. Did you often encounter bed bugs more than 10 years ago?
10. Do you feel that the incidence of bed bugs in your country is...?
This question requires a valid number format.
12. If you believe they are increasing, what do you think is the cause?
13. How did your bed bug service work change between 2011 and 2012?
14. In which of the following locations have you encountered bed bugs? (Please check all that apply.)
15. Which of the following methods are you currently using to find bed bugs? (Please check all that apply.)
16. Which of the following methods do you normally use to control bed bugs? (Please check all that apply.)
17. If you use insecticides in bed bug control, which type do you use? (Check all that apply.)
18. Which of the following insecticides listed below are available for controlling bed bugs in your country? (Check all that apply.)
19. If you treat beds, which part(s) of the bed unit do you generally treat? (Check all that apply.)
21. How satisfied are you with the performance of today's bed bug insecticides?
22. Have you encouraged bed bug populations that appear to be resistant to insecticides?
23. If "yes", how often do you encounter this?
24. About how long does your company spend in treating an AVERAGE size bed bug infestation initally in a residential setting. (We recognize there are many variables associated with this question; however, please base your answer on an AVERAGE size infestation, amount of clutter, etc. in residential environments including single family homes, apartments, condominiums, townhomes, etc.)
25. What is the biggest customer-oriented challenge in treating bed bugs?
26. In general, how would you describe the feelings of your customers who have had bed bugs?
27. How do these customers typically feel about the need to apply insecticides?
28. How concerned do you think health and government officials are in your country about bed bugs?
29. How much of a concern is negative publicity from bed bugs in your country?
30. What species of bed bugs do you mostly encounter in your area?
31. Do you feel there is a correlation in your country between bed bugs and income level?
32. Do you receive more bed bug calls at certain times of the year?