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Blog reader survey 2012


Thank you for checking out the blog of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.

From time to time, we ask our blog readers about your preferences and interests so that we can serve you better. This survey takes less than five minutes to complete. 

If you'd like to refer to the blog while taking the survey, you can visit it here. This link will open in a new window. 

Your participation is optional and voluntary, and you can stop at any time. If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please feel free to contact us at 

Thanks for your help!

1. Approximately how often do you read the blog?
How do you rate the quality of the content on the National Museum of American History’s blog?
PoorBelow averageAverageGoodExcellentDon't know
2. What features would you like to see on the blog in the future? (Click all that apply and the level of importance to you.)
Space Cell Importance
Photo of the week
Staff picks (favorite artifacts)
Happenings at the museum
Mystery objects
Great reads, history-related books
Top five lists of artifacts
Recent additions to the collection
Guest bloggers
Opportunities to contribute opinions, stories, questions, or photos
Interviews with experts
Tips for visiting
Artifact of the month
History in today's headlines
Traveling with a history expert
3. What activities have you done in the past based upon information in the blog? (check all that apply)
4. How do you access the blog? (Check all that apply)
5. How do you share blog posts?
6. In general, do you think the museum's blog posts are:
7. How would you describe the frequency of blog posts?
8. How do you prefer to interact with the blog?
12. How often have you visited the museum?
13. Do you live in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area?
What is the best way for you to find out about programs and events at the museum?
14. How would you describe yourself? (Check all that apply.)
15. Which of the following online communities do you follow or subscribe to? (Check all that apply.)
What would you most like to see from the museum (@amhistorymuseum) on Instagram?